Cases: SOBY at work

SOBY at work: According to our customers

We are proud of our partnerships. At SOBY, we work closely with both dealers and users to create solutions that not only meet their needs, but also contribute to their growth and development. Explore what it's like to work with us and what makes our approach unique according to those who interact with us on a daily basis.

Dive into the business cases explaining how we created value and achieved measurable results for our partners and customers. Regardless of whether it is tackling complex challenges, developing innovative products or optimizing daily processes, our commitment to delivering quality is absolutely central. 

SOBY behind the scenes: Meet our employees

Our success is driven by the talented and passionate people who work for us – and who are the core of our company. They are our greatest strength, and therefore it is important for us to create a culture that promotes job satisfaction, innovation, collaboration and personal development.

Along with cases, you will therefore find inspiring stories and films about our employees further down the page. They provide a unique insight into out work force and how they contribute to our success and our customers' satisfaction. You can meet the people who, with their knowledge, experience and commitment, work every day to make a difference.

Get to know them and get an impression of how our values ​​and culture shape the way we work - both internally in our organization and in the relationships we build and maintain with our customers. We believe that a strong internal culture creates strong external value, and we hope you will be inspired by the stories we share here.

Related content: CSR & sponsorships

SOBY has a strong tradition of supporting associations and organisations, as part of contributing to initiatives that promote community, health and development across different parts of society. Read more about our CSR-related efforts here.

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SOBY at work: Our partnership according to dealers and end users

Customer case: Serious and reliable


Jens Jørgen Schmidt and Moderne Kornbehandling sell SOBY's products from the head office in Tørring. Read his opinion about SOBY as a business partner.

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Case: The equipment is just a cut better


Hans Rauff is a farmer and became acquainted with SOBY through a dealer. He talks about the collaboration and why it works for his company.

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Case: Carry us into the future market


Installations Perreault provides solutions and support in handling and storing grain in France. Owner and director, Joanes Durquet, shares his view on collaborating with SOBY.

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Case: SOBY keeps our promises!


Riela Ukraine's collaboration with SOBY started with a referral from another partner. Director and co-owner Roman Semerak talks about the collaboration.

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SOBY behind the scenes: Meet our employees

Case: Complex solutions in simple wrapping


Niels Bundgaard is part of SOBY's technical core, where the role of product developer and technical specialist gives him the opportunity to contribute completely unique perspectives for our new products.

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Case: Technology and digital development


Ulla Tanderup Gade works with coordination and technical advice at SOBY, with a solid understanding of the aesthetic, financial and technical aspects behind product development.

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Case: Central in logistics & customer care


Aase Helene Jensen is internal sales backup with tasks within logistics, purchasing and translation. She ensures that the customers' goods are sent on time and often has direct contact with the customers.

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Film: Mentor ensures a safe job start


Lars Sørensen is a machinist at SOBY and is also responsible for our CSR-related work testing. He welcomes new employees who need support to get back into the labor market.

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Anniversary: 50 years with SOBY


On Thursday 30 November 2023, Frants Frantsen's 50th anniversary will be celebrated at SOBY; On the anniversary, Frants reflects on the development of the times, family spirit and the ability to adapt.

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Film: Trained in storage and logistics at SOBY


Mikkel was educated at SOBY and is now back as warehouse manager. He started as a temporary worker and was offered an education in storage and logistics.

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Case: a new level of service with E-commerce


Svitlana Zharov er E-commerce og Sales Coordinator hos SOBY og har ansvaret for vores online handel. Hun er klar, når forhandlerne har brug for hjælp på hjemmesiden og forhandlerportalen.

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Film: Making fan wheels by the welding robot


Visit Uffe at the large welding robot, where he makes fan wheels. He explains why this particular task is ideal for the machine here. Also see the robot in action when we take a look behind the rotating protective wall.

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