Company history

The SOBY family business - trusted since 1961

SOBY Silofactory was founded by carpenter Jens Frantsen, who built wooden silos. His was joined by son Frants who expanded the portfolio with iron silos and aeration systems to make the solutions more flexible. Frants' sister Birthe and her husband Svend owned and managed SOBY together with Frants until 2015. Today, SOBY is managed by two of Frants' three children, Mette and Morten, who have brought new and equally great visions into the company's future.

Since 2015, Morten and Mette Frantsen have jointly owned and run the family business SOBY, which was founded by their grandfather in 1961. As third generation, they are very conscious of continuing the special spirit of the company, while at the same time setting their own direction for the family company.

An international and digital future focus

From obatining 60 percent of their turnover in Denmark, the majority of the turnover is now obtained outside the country's borders. Over a number of years, SOBY has initiated projects to integrate sustainability into the strategy and get the company's partners to think in the same way. The ambition is a transformation from being good at making products to integrating the customers' business right down to production level.

In late 2022, the company launched a tailored B2B webshop and dealer portal. It is a tool that both streamlines the company's internal processes and makes the collaboration even more individual and flexible for the dealers at home and abroad. 

If you want to know more, dive into the company's history in the timeline, where the urge to create and the family spirit draw a clear line through time.

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Company history: Timeline from 1961 to today

NOV 2023: Frants Frantsen celebrates 50 years at SOBY

Frants Frantsen celebrates his 50th anniversary at SOBY; the family business that first produced wooden silos and has since developed into a leading player in the field of transport and aeration of crops. He sees the anniversary as a milestone that not only celebrates the past, but also paints an exciting picture of the future.

NOV 2022: New dealer portal and webshop

It should be easy to do business with SØBY. Therefore, a dealer portal with webshop is being launched, where dealers have access to drawings, documentation, prices, specifications and history with a few clicks - and can order immediately.

OKT 2021: SOBY celebrates its 60th anniversary

SOBY celebrates its 60th anniversary. Since 1961, the company has grown from a handful of employees to 50 employees.
The production facility has been expanded from a single to seven production halls, which now total 12,000 m2 under one roof.

FEB 2018: 2400 sqm are added to the factory

2400 sqm are added to the factory to accommodate new products and more stock. Our production facility thus totals 11,000 square meters and added to this comes our testing facility in Hojslev.

NOV 2017: First exhibition at Agritechnica in Germany

SOBY exhibits for the first time at the Agritechnica fair in Hanover, Germany. The 80 sqm stand was very well visited by both existing and new customers from home and abroad. Thus, a new tradition of exhibiting at Agritechnica in the future was created.

DEC 2016: 40th anniversary of exhibiting at Agromek

SOBY celebrates 40 years anniversary of exhibiting at Agromek. Below you see managing director Frants Frantsen, who has participated at all 40 exhibitions together with SOBY.

SEP 2016: Launch of the SOBY Grain Pump Loop

The launch of the SOBY Grain Pump Loop with the capacity of 100 t/h, which gains two stars at Agromek 2016. Above you can see the first test machine which is located at Stenalt Agriculture and forestry in Ørsted, Denmark.

APR 2016: A comprehensive strategy process

The new management start the work with a comprehensive strategy process, which determines the company’s direction and priorities towards 2020. The process is carried through with Vinderstrategi as facilitator, which involves customers, employees and owners. The preparation of the strategy lasts for three months, whereas the implementation itself is an ongoing process until 2020.

SEP 2015: Birthe and Svend Clausen step out of the owners' circle

On September 30th at the age of 67 Birthe and Svend Clausen step out of the owners' circle and wish to retire after many years of active work in the company. Their shares are bought by the two children of Frants Frantsen, Mette and Morten Frantsen, who today own and run the company together with their father Frants Frantsen. As such they are the 3rd generation of the family business.

SEP 2014: The introduction of conveyors and bucket elevators

The introduction of conveyors and bucket elevators with a capacity of 150 t/h. Previously these were only available in the capacity of up to 120 t/h.

JAN 2012: Frants Frantsen’s daughter, Mette Frantsen, is employed

Frants Frantsen’s daughter, Mette Frantsen, is employed at the company at the age of 29. Mette is trained in international trade and marketing. She is responsible for logistics and administrative tasks.

AUG 2008: New production hall and office building

A new big production hall of 2200 square meters as well as a new office building are built. In total, the company now has more than 8500 square meters under roof.

SEP 2006: Frants Frantsen’s son, Morten Frantsen, joins the company

Frants Frantsen’s son, Morten Frantsen, joins the company at the age of 26. Morten is a qualified electrician. He works daily in the production, where he among others helps to streamline the workflows.

MAY 2005: SOBY bucket elevator SK25-50 is launched

SOBY bucket elevator SK25-50 is launched. The demand for vertical conveying is increasing and as such this new product group is taken into the range. Since then bucket elevators for larger and smaller capacities have been added.

MAR 2002: SOBY receives Nordea’s business award

Søby Maskinaktieselskab receives Nordea’s business award. Above you can see the management at the award ceremony.

MAY 2001: Another production hall is built

Again there is a shortage of space, and another production hall is built to the existing buildings on Viborgvej 306, Højslev.

MAR 1998: New warehouse

The activity in the company increases as well as the number of employees, which in 1998 is 23 persons. A new canteen and bathroom as well a warehouse of almost 1400 square meters is built.

JUN 1995: Launch of grain canons and grain augers

The launch of grain canons and grain augers. Initially in size SS102, and later more models have been added.

MAR 1995: Goes to selling through dealers

SØBY Maskinaktieselskab goes from selling directly to the end user to selling through dealers – both nationally as well as internationally.

FEB 1995: Birthe Clausen’s husband, Svend Clausen, joins as a co-owner of the company

Birthe Clausen’s husband, Svend Clausen, has been employed in the company since 1994, and in 1995 the joins as a co-owner of the company at the age of 46. Svend is a qualified mechanical engineer and now in charge of the sales function of SØBY Maskinaktieselskab. Svend has a wide experience from the industry, and since his youth he has assisted in the company during his spare time.

DEC 1993: Generation change from 1st to 2nd generation.

Generation change from 1st to 2nd generation. The company is transferred from Jens Frantsen to his children, Birthe og Frants. Frants takes over the position as company director. Shortly after the generation change Jens Frantsen passed away.

FEB 1993: The first CNC-controlled machine

The first CNC-controlled machine is procured. This is the start of the high technology development, which has proven to be successful at SØBY Maskinaktieselskab.

SEP 1992: Jens Frantsen’s daughter, Birthe Clausen, joins the company

Jens Frantsen’s daughter, Birthe Clausen, joins the company as a book keeper at the age of 44. Birthe has until then for several years assisted with the book keeping besides her job as a bank assistant.

AUG 1984: Export becomes increasingly important

The export is increasingly important through the 80’es, among others 42 silos are sold to Malaysia. At the same time the export to Sweden, Ireland, Luxemburg and Austria begins. Above you see a full truck with 42 silos on their way to Luxemburg.

APR 1984: Low pressure blowers are launched

The characteristic blue-painted HSLG low pressure blowers are launched in various sizes.

AUG 1982: The company changes its name

SØBY Silo factory changes its name to SØBY Maskinaktieselskab and at the same time the form of the company changes into limited liability company.

AUG 1981: Iron production is introduced

In the beginning of the 80’es the production is changed to iron products. The production of blowers, chain elevators and conveyors. The silos are now being produced in steel instead of wood.

JUL 1976: Exhibition at the local animal show

SØBY Silo factory exhibits at the Skive animal show. In order to extend the knowledge about SØBY Silo factory, they participated in a lot of animal shows during the 70’es throughout Denmark.

JUN 1973: Jens Frantsens son Frants joins the company

Jens Frantsen´s son, Frants Frantsen, joins the company at the age of 22. Frants is a trained mechanic and he has helped his father for several years in the company.

MAY 1970: SOBY moves location

A new factory is built for concrete production at Viborgvej 306, Højslev. This is still where our premises is located today. Production of wooden silos remains at the property in Nr. Søby.

APR 1961: Concrete products are produced

Over two decades, the characteristic yellow-painted portion dryers and wooden storage silos have been produced. Parallel to this production, concrete products such as pipes, blocks and tiles begin to be produced.

MAR 1961: The original buildings

SØBY silo factory is situated at the property of Jens Frantsens in Nr. Søby. The silo factory is named after this very city.

FEB 1961: SOBY Silo factory is established

SOBY Silo factory is established by carpenter Jens Frantsen, 41 years of age and trained carpenter. Jens has previously run his own furniture factory and production of toys.