12 September 2023

Almas - Trusted Dealer of the year 2021

”Trusted Dealer of The Year” is a new initiative at SØBY. The award is intended to recognize the extraordinary efforts and results that have made the dealer in question particularly noted.


The choice of Almas as this year's "Trusted Dealer of the Year 2021" in the year in which we introduce the award, is not the most difficult decision for us to make. Almas and SØBY have been close partners for many years, and there has been a steady growth in revenue, and Almas enters the market with the entire strong product range of SØBY.  In addition, we work closely together, where we continuously have a close dialogue about customers, projects, improvements, and new development for the benefit of our common customers in the agro-industry.


2021 has been one of the years in which ALMAS has made its mark in the market with SØBY's machine solutions. The growth has been remarkable in recent years, and Almas is now the market leader in Denmark. At SØBY we are proud to be a part of this.


Behind this recognition lies a great gratitude for our partnership. We will also in the future strive to be your preferred supplier of conveying and drying equipment for your projects.


Almas Korn A/S deals with consulting, sales, projecting and assembly of crop management equipment.


Their primary area is the construction of silos with associated transport systems, dryers and cleaning machines. 


Together with their partners, such as Søby, Almas Korn A/S has more than 50 years of experience in building customized solutions.