25 January 2024

Article: Søby digitalises itself towards stronger international dealers

A thorough digitization project has developed Søby significantly - especially on the internal lines, but also in relation to the digital tools, which will strengthen their international dealers.

Published in Maskinbladet
- If we can make our dealers more competitive, we will benefit from it, sales director of Søby Jan Lund explains, regarding the way of thinking that will create further development and growth in the business. In 2020, the manufacturer of grain handling solutions initiated a thorough digitization process which is fully incorporated into the company's overall strategy for the coming many years.

 In the autumn of 2022, the company launched its first version of the new tailored B2B webshop and dealer portal, which both streamlines the company's internal processes, but also to a large extent creates value for dealers, among other things to optimize daily sales and project work.

- We have moved from an "analogue" world, where our systems for purchasing, inventory management, logistics and planning were not integrated, to having a digital structure where the relevant processes are connected, and data is generated and maintained in one place. We have come far, but we are by no means about to finish building on. You probably never will, says Jan Lund...

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