06 December 2024

Grain cleaning: How to ensure optimal quality

Grain cleaning can take place by means of different solutions, depending on the size of the plant and options for installation - here are our recommendations.

At SOBY, grain cleaning and crop quality are part of the core task we have solved over decades. Therefore, we are also close to the challenges that the process entails. Here we have summarized an overview of the solutions we recommend in connection with grain cleaning, which help to ensure the lowest possible costs and optimal grain quality.

Grain cleaning removes impurities in the crops and can be divided into processes according to the size and quantity of the impurities. It helps prevent operational stops and improve productivity because light impurities can accumulate in machine parts and affect the performance of the plant. In this way, grain cleaning also helps to influence performance and lifespan of the plant. Furthermore, dust and husks can be carriers of harmful fungi and bacteria, which might cause diseases in the grain. Here we have collected our recommendations for solutions that will perform optimally at the individual installation.

Grain cleaning on plants with limited space for installation

Usually, the pre-cleaner is the first machine in the grain cleaning process, where it removes impurities, such as weed seeds, wheat husks, barley husks and small pieces of straw. The process helps preparing the subsequent cleaning process, as smaller particles and dust can be removed more effectively in the later cleaning, when the grain is sorted into more uniform sizes.

The pre-cleaner can be installed on plants with limited space
SØBY's pre-cleaner differs from similar products on the market by having a particularly low installation height. Therefore, it can be used on plants where there is very little space. See the 3D animation of SØBY's pre-cleaner here.

Flexible grain cleaning with larger installation dimensions
We recommend our pre-cleaner for plants with larger installation dimensions.  SØBY's pre-cleaner uses vacuum to create an air flow that lifts the light impurities up and away from the grain. The cleaned parts are carried with the air flow up through a centrifugal fan and further on to a cyclone, where it is led out of the machine. The pre-cleaner is a flexible solution as it can be used for different types of crops and adjusted as needed.

Protects the crops against fungus, bacteria, and pests
Dust and husks can be carriers of harmful fungi and bacteria that might cause diseases in the grain. Therefore, pre-cleaning for these light impurities is an essential part of ensuring the quality of the grain and avoiding waste. Furthermore, removing shells and other organic material can reduce the risk of pest infestation.  

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