05 January 2025

See our most popular solutions from Agromek

Popular news – these solutions caught the attention at Agromek 

Did you visit our stand at Agromek 2024, or did you miss the opportunity? Either way, you will get an overview of the solutions that received the most attention from our guests.

Agromek's industrial top hits from SØBY:

  • New and classic conveyor - Our guests could find two conveyor novelties at the stand. A conveyor with a perforated bottom, which received a lot of attention because it is mounted under the roof of existing buildings and allows the grain to fall out through the bottom. It is a flexible and cost-effective solution that was awarded two Agromek Stars. Another conveyor innovation is our SR200, which can move 200 tons of crops per hour. With this expansion, we can deliver conveyors as standard in capacities from 25-200 tons per hour.   


  • New version of bucket elevator - SK200 is an extension of our bucket elevator range, so we can now supply the solution with capacities of 5-200 tons per hour as standard. The solution moves grain and other dry crops between different levels or from one silo to another - an efficient and safe conveying method for larger quantities of dry crops.


  • The classic Grain Pump Loop - our conveying loop for, for example, flat warehouses and grain silos, which is an efficient way to move large quantities of grain. The grain pump loop works using a heavy-duty chain that moves the grain around along the bottom of the silo. In this way, you maintain a high quality of crops and avoid that they get damaged. We deliver proven standard systems from 60-175 t/hour.


  • Low pressure fan HLSG - a popular attraction with our trade fair visitors. It blows with a larger volume of air and is therefore particularly good for drying wet crops. The fans are available in several sizes from 3kW to 37kW.


  • Chain elevator SE40 - a popular choice because it can easily be integrated into any conveying system. Furthermore, it is characterized by high capacity, despite small external dimensions, and efficient use of the total height, because the outlet is located high and is suitable for both vertical and inclined grain conveying. 


Do you have any questions or need follow-up?

Would you like to know how you can make better use of your facility? Please kindly contact us to find out how you can ...

  • integrate new or classic solutions into your operation
  • make better use of existing solutions
  • optimize and ensure the quality of your crops during storage
  •  get professional advice about grain handling


Contact us

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